Make Prayer A Habit

How would you like to make prayer a habit? How would you like to automatically praise God upon waking up in the morning? How would you like to automatically recall a verse or two from the Bible when you’re anxious or troubled and then automatically pray based on those Bible verses.  How would you like to develop the habit of listening to God in not just one but in various ways? Watch the video below:



With deep sense of joy, I write to expressed my profound gratitude to you, for all the time, energy and spiritual care, you have demonstrated in the last 28 weeks. I have completed the exercise, but the gifts will remain a life time companion, great thanks to God, for inspiring you as an instrument of his blessing; may his name be praise now and forever. Amen. Once again thanks and God bless you.

Isaac C.


Greetings Babes,
I am still here and progressing….:). I find that I look forward to the next weeks assignment when Sunday rolls around. I am going through a stage of awareness of sins that I am guilty of committing in subtle ways. I find myself asking God for forgiveness with heartfelt sorrow and asking for the grace to overcome these habits. I find that I cry easily when I receive the Eucharist for love of Our Lord, or at times I am so grateful for the love He shows me in so many ways (this awareness is new for me). I hunger to grow in Him and the grace to show Him my love by living my life so that it becomes a soothing balm on His wounds.  I have become more prayerful and aware of how I say them.
Another fruit of participating in your program I am more conscience of God’s presence during my day’s activities and I am trying to overcome my hesitation to do the things that God puts in my path and to do them with more love, for Him. However one of the areas I have not done well is giving Our Lord time to listen to His inner voice! It is my hope that this weeks exercise (#14) which I will start tomorrow as I have just returned from a short trip away. THIS IS MY GREATEST short fall, making quiet time to listen to Him.
So please know that I do recognize and feel the growth as a result of your program and it is quite amazing how time does go by and that this is week #14!
May The Holy Trinity and Our Blessed Mother continue to bless you, your family and your ministry. 🙂


Babes, this program, without a doubt, has brought me closer to our Lord.  I don’t talk or move without asking for His guidance.  I can actually “hear” Abba speaking to me; it’s more like a sensation, but I am positive it’s His voice leading me through everything I do.

Joy P.


Hi Babes: Thank you so much for your prayer impact in my life.  I appreciate it.

Tonia A.


Hi Babes,
Thanks to your coaching and encouragement I am so very close to God and am beginning to understand what we have to do to be really close to Him. No matter what I will never let go of His Hand.
May you and all yours be blessed with abundance and prosperity.
Shaila G.
Dear Babes,

Thank you so much for all you’ve done to Make Prayer a Habit for me and for so many others. Yes, this has been very helpful for me for many reasons. First, it has gotten me into the habit of prayer, of listening to God, and how to talk to Him. Secondly, I have made it a habit to pray first thing in the morning as I am getting ready to go to church (I go to daily Mass everyday). For instance, this morning as I got up and got ready to go to church, I started to get upset about an incident that happened on Saturday. Then I stopped myself and reminded myself about the Make Prayer a Habit lessons, and immediately started praising the Lord and my anger about this incident just vanished and I can honestly say that the incident on Saturday doesn’t bother me anymore. Thirdly, because of the lessons that I’ve learned, I find myself praying and praising God more often during the day wherever I am at. I am sure that you’re 28 lessons will continue to sink in my heart and mind as I continue to develop better prayer habits in myself as time goes on. I will always go back and reread the weekly lessons to keep it reinforced in my heart and mind. Thank you for these very wonderful and helpful lessons.

God Bless,

Marian M.


Thank you so much- what a true blessing- may the good Lord continue blessing you for your ministry.

Lupita M.


Dear Ms. Babes,

First, it is I who should be thanking you for guiding me in my search for a proper and effective praying habit. It was so difficult for me during the first few weeks,  I was always disrupted by my anxieties in the middle of my meditations.  The burden of not having a steady job or income,  worries about my finances and the daily dealings or relationship with my family or the insecurities that are inherent on a person on the verge of losing hope and giving up the fight. As I continued and adhered to the daily and weekly guides, I began to feel changes in my prayer life.   You enlightened me on the importance of praying.

Based on your guide, I now developed a prayer habit that I began to look forward to the next set of guide week after week.  I felt that my day will never be complete without praying. Now I long to pray on every opportunity that I have be it on a wait for my wife shopping, walking from the parking lot to my appointment 2 blocks away…….every chance that I have. Now I make it a point to devote at least hour of my day for prayers and meditations.  And in doing so and based on your guide, I am now concentrated on my prayers and meditations based on the acronym: “ A C T S “ A – Adoration C – Contrition T – Thanksgiving S – Supplication Ms. Babes, I can never thank you enough for your guidance and your introducing me to St. Joseph.  I have been out of job for the past two years and six months now but still am able to supplement the needs of my family.

Whatever and whenever my needs are, by some miracle through prayers I always receive the blessings.  Indeed prayers can move mountains with absolute faith, love and adherence to our Lord’s words and wisdom. Again,  my appreciation for your patience in guiding me in my spiritual needs. Now I have my ACTS together!!!!

God Bless,

Peter M.


Hi Babes!

Seven months of Make Prayer A Habit Programme. I feel fineand renewed in my faith and trust in God.  There were times when I was low, I read, re-read and practice and over the months I could feel the change as a result. I learn to focus on God more during my silent moments, building a relationship with him is what I yearned for and I am getting there. When I feel like giving up on a situation I can hear “Let God do his work”. Thank you! Thank you! I am 79 years of age and this programme has done wonders for me. Thank you for letting me be a part of this great programme.

God bless,



Hi Babes, I’m so happy I joined this prayer program! A BIG THANK YOU to you for creating such wonderful prayer program and truly making prayer a habit! I’ve learned a lot and it helped a lot in my everyday prayer life and having a closer relationship with our Lord. I have printed all the weeks and put in a nice binder as I want to review again and again. Sometimes due to busy workload I was not able to follow all the weeks but I told myself that I will find the time to read. Sometimes I go back to some weeks where it applies to some situations I’m dealing at that time and it helps to know what God wants us to do on such situations.

From Jonalyn M.


Dear Babes I just want to say thank you very much for your program. Although I am a woman of prayer your wonderful program has been a real gift to me. May God bless you abundantly. You are His very Special Daughter!!!! I will have a Holy Mass celebrated for you in thanks giving!!! Peace be with you and may the Love of Jesus always surround you!!!

Moira G.


Dear Babes,
I cant thank you enough for bringing me so close to God. Every morning when i wake up i praise God and thank Him and truly my life and my entire family life has changed positively. Praise God.


    • stephen j. ferrari
    • July 13, 2013

    how do I enroll in the 28 week program?

    • admin
    • July 13, 2013

    Please just fill in the sign up form above.

    God bless…

    • Elizabeth
    • July 24, 2013

    I would love to be closer to God.

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